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Interested in discussing 你公司’s Corporate Partner Program? Contact us at (248) 648-4800.

Auburn Hills Chamber of Commerce

奥本山商会不仅为奥克兰县的独特人群服务, one of the most prosperous counties in the country, but within the State of Michigan. 代表一个社区,财富500强公司位于当地拥有的咖啡店的道路上, 商会明白,成长型企业——无论规模大小——是我们会员的共同价值.

商会成立于1991年,由一群致力于把奥本山放在地图上的企业. 在I-75号州际公路旁的皇冠假日酒店的衣帽间里开了一家不起眼的店, 如今,商会在该市不断扩张的市中心拥有一套办公套房. 会员约有300家企业,并以每年20%的速度增长. We see an exciting expansion in emerging sectors in technology, 先进的制造业和服务业在这个历史悠久的汽车社区.

奥本山商会为这个80%为商业的城市的数百家公司提供服务, including multi-national companies, a renowned sports and 娱乐 complex, a regional shopping center and hundreds of hotels, 餐厅, and locally owned businesses which support our thriving economy. 你会发现我们的重点和编程反映了这种动态的文化.

除了, 30,000 students are educated each year in our community’s universities, 医学院, 法学院, community colleges and award-winning school district. 在我们重建和重组员工队伍的过程中,将雇主与未来人才联系起来是一项重要的价值. As such, the Chamber offers events designed to meet these goals. 我们的高绩效实习项目是职业培训和发展的最佳范例.

The Chamber is at the heart of the community, connecting our members to one another and to opportunities for commerce. A core value is also supporting our non-profit organizations, 在为当地居民提供重要服务的同时,允许企业履行自己的使命. 通过商会和直接通过我们的会员,有许多方式与当地社区接触.



The 奥本山市 is a distinguished leader in southeast Michigan, 这里不仅有22个高科技园区,还有享誉世界的零售业, 娱乐, 和制造业. 超过23个,000居民, it also serves as Michigan’s global business address, with 40 international corporations from 32 countries, including many world and North American headquarters. 奥本山的居民享受城市和郊区生活的便利设施, a revitalized downtown district, and a welcoming city complex with a library and community center. 另外, the city has four colleges and universities, and Great Lakes Crossing Outlets, one of the state’s largest destination shopping centers, providing a variety of 文化, social and educational opportunities to residents, 工人, 和游客.

使命: 透过一个互相联系、透明及有效率的政府,成为社会的管家.
愿景: 奥本山将成为一个以小镇为中心的社区,以世界级城市的卓越运作为特色.
价值观: 周到的服务,多元化,卓越,财政责任,谦逊,安全.


InBIA International Soft Landings Site

你公司 is an InBIA-authorized international soft landings site. InBIA认识到需要有能力为有意在国内市场以外扩张的外国公司提供服务的创业中心. So in order to serve these foreign companies, they’ve developed a global network of Soft Landings centers, 包括欧联有限公司.

想要进入国际市场的公司需要独特的项目和服务, 这个软着陆网络确定了那些擅长为这些公司服务,同时为它们提供支持和知名度的创业中心.

For more information, contact Steve Kent at (电子邮件保护) or (248) 648-4802.


Michigan Economic Development Corporation

密歇根州经济发展公司的使命是推广密歇根州,并提供工具和环境,以推动创造就业机会和投资. 其愿景是通过发展和吸引企业来改变密歇根州的经济, keeping talented residents here, and revitalizing our urban centers.


Michigan Small 业务 Development Center

密歇根州小企业发展中心(MI-SBDC)为希望创业或发展企业的企业家提供免费的专家帮助. With a location right on-site at the Velocity Center, the MI-SBDC provides counseling, training and research to assist small business to launch, 成长, 转型与创新. They enhance Michigan’s economic wellbeing by providing counseling, training and research for new ventures, existing small businesses and advanced technology companies. With headquarters at Grand Valley State University in Grand Rapids, 11 regional offices and more than 20 satellite offices, MI-SBDC为密歇根州的企业家和企业主提供方便的咨询和培训.



大卫·库尔特荣幸地担任奥克兰县第三任县长. At this important juncture for our County, 他的包容性风格旨在利用县政府的力量,挖掘我们居民的广泛多样性,为未来的进步打开新的大门.

Dave brings a wealth of local government and executive experience. 从2002年到2010年,他代表东南奥克兰县参加了委员会,在那里他受到了两党同事的尊敬. 在董事会上, 他是财务委员会的成员,该委员会负责监督奥克兰县的三年预算平衡,并启动了一项创新计划,为5000多名居民提供健康保险.

He brought that experience with him to his service as Mayor of Ferndale. 在他的第一次会议上,戴夫指示市政府工作人员开始实施多年预算. 他还成立了市长商业委员会,以便更好地响应工业和大企业. 在他任职期间, Ferndale improved their credit rating twice, 降低城市税收, reduced the industrial vacancy rate, 投资当地道路, parks and parking accessibility in their thriving downtown.

同时, 戴夫曾担任密歇根州儿童基金会的对外关系主任, formerly the Children's Hospital of Michigan Foundation. 在这里,他能够专注于公共政策和地方努力,以改善我们地区和州的儿童和家庭健康. Under his leadership the Foundation invested in abuse and neglect, nutritional wellness and cancer research.



罗彻斯特山 Public 图书馆

罗彻斯特山公共图书馆提供终身学习的机会, instills a love of reading, and offers equal access to information. 超过45岁,每月000名访客通过各种节目享受创新的学习和社交方式, including Sunday concerts, a summer reading challenge, 亲子工作坊, 每周的讲座. The library’s expansive and user-friendly database system allows its 70,000+ card holders to utilize e-books, 电影, 音乐下载, language and genealogy services, and consumer reports from the comfort of their own home at no cost.

罗彻斯特山公共图书馆位于罗彻斯特市,同样为罗彻斯特的居民服务, 罗彻斯特山, 和奥克兰镇. Find out all that the 罗彻斯特山 Public 图书馆 has to offer at rhpl.org.

Rochester Regional Chamber of Commerce

罗切斯特地区商会是密歇根州一个屡获殊荣的商会. 成立于1955年, 商会是罗切斯特市商界的主要代言人, 罗彻斯特山, 和奥克兰镇. We are focused on fostering a favorable business climate, 有序推进, progressive development for our region.

罗彻斯特地区商会的使命是提供领导和资源,以促进商业和社区发展,与公民合作, 文化, 和教育利益为其成员和社会的利益.



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